You don’t have to face it alone.

If you are afraid to face your past because you’ve learned that you have to face pain alone, let go of that expectation and know that the Lord will not leave you in your pain. He is the God of all comfort and wants your whole heart, brokenness and all. He will heal those broken places that you’ve been running from, if you can change your perspective and see him as a loving Father who will not leave you, drop you, reject you, or abandon you.  

In the story of Lazarus, as those around him were mourning, Jesus cries out in frustration. When He is taken to the tomb, he asks them to remove the stone covering the entrance and Martha argues with him, afraid of the horrific odor that would surely be unleashed should they open the door. Just don’t! Don’t open it up, it’s too painful, too ugly, and it smells! Let us grieve!

I just LOVE the response of Jesus here. He says to Martha; “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

Welp. He had already told her that Lazarus would live again. She chose to hear it through the filter of her pain, not through faith. 

God says to you, open up those dark, painful, hidden places. The ones that smell and might be just a little bit (ok a lot) raw. He says, “trust me with this pain, don’t you remember I’ve already told you how this turns out?” He is the resurrection and the life. He has spoken the beginning and the end. He will walk with you through the process of healing, and you can rest in the truth that His Word -every promise He has made and word He has spoken- endures through all generations. 

Matthew 11:29

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Psalm 18:35

You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great.

November 1, 2019
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